Home Sex Positions The Doggy Style Position

The Doggy Style Position

Doggy Style is probably the most popular sex position for rear entry and for good reason! Couples love this position because of how submissive it is for the female partner, and he can watch the action while he thrusts. It’s a great position for some good old-fashioned animal sex!

The female partner gets on all fours with her weight supported on her knees and palms. Her partner approaches her from behind, holding on to her hips with his hands and supporting his weight with his knees on the floor. This is a great position for rough sex. He has more leverage with his hands on her hips and can pull her to him or push her away with his arms. It’s also an excellent position for deeper penetration.

Try Doggy Style on the floor, bed, sofa, the bathtub/shower, or any flat surface with plenty of space.

This is probably the position you think of when you think of anal sex, though because of the lack of control it gives the receiver, it’s not the best to begin with.

Do It Doggie Style

Do It Doggie Style

Once you’re comfortable with having anal sex, though, this position is great for prostate stimulation as well as deep penetration.

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