Home Sex Tips How Can You Boost Your Libido Naturally?

How Can You Boost Your Libido Naturally?

Don’t feel the desire? Try these strategies and tips for naturally boosting your sex drive.

How many times have you had intercourse with your partner after a drought and then thought, We really should do that more frequently? No matter how busy we are with the kids and jobs, we need closeness, intimacy and sex for our entire wellbeing.

Think of sex as a vitamin. I like to call it an essential health supplement. Make sure you take a dosage per week, or maybe even daily: one dosage of vitamin S. The more you have it, the more you feel like doing it more often.

Boost Your Libido

Boost Your Libido

Here are a few remedies to increase your sex drive:


A lack of sleep destroys your sex drive. All parents can understand the struggle to get enough hours sleep during the child-rearing years and severe sleep disturbances go hand in hand with low desire and stress. Although staying up late after the kids have gone to sleep may be helpful for you to finish some of the house chores and prepare for tomorrow, it will leave you un-refreshed and tired, developing a cycle of constant dissatisfaction, catch-up and unhappiness in all areas including passion and intimacy.

Rather, go to bed earlier, fix a bedtime for yourself that permits enough hours of sleep to be on your a-game, and maybe even a short session between the sheets. It may be beneficial if you both go to bed at the same time so that you both are in bed and awake. Chances are, the mood will arise.

Take the vitamins

There are several different libido-heightening supplements or formulas on the market. It is crucial to get the correct recommendation for you. Meanwhile, here are some great starters that you can buy from any health  food store:
Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is one of the top B vitamins; they all help the body in converting food into fuel,
which later produces energy. B5 particularly aids in the creation of stress-related and sex hormones.

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Vitamin C enhances circulation and provides you more energy by refueling your adrenal glands.

Use libido-enhancing botanicals

Plants are where traditional medicines started. So, get back to your roots to increase your natural sexual activity and desires. Here are my favorite libido enhancing botanicals:

Ashwagandha, famously known as Indian Ginseng. It’s a strong aphrodisiac and assists in maintaining an erection, enhanced feelings of desire, lasting longer in bed and boosted energy. It has also been proven to promote a better quality of sleep with a restful mind. You can take ashwagandha for entire body rejuvenation.

Schisandra, famous as libido tonic, enhances resistance to stress and other diseases, and increases endurance, physical
performance and energy too. It has been proven as a solution for erectile dysfunction. In Chinese traditional medications,
schizandra is popularly known as “the five flavored fruit.” These small berries can be bought from any health food store. Try to taste all flavors of these cherries on different sections of your tongue. Experiencing the different flavors can also be a sensual exercise. Give it a try!

Rhodiola is a plant that develops in cold Northern areas and high-altitudes. The healing benefits of this plant often imitate the needs of their environment. So, for a plant to spring up in very cold climates, it must have a strong resistance to the elements. Thus, rhodiola’s capability to increase cognitive function, focus, physical and mental stamina and alleviate symptoms of exhaustion and tiredness.

Add greens to your food chart

Vegetables might not feel sensual and sexy, but following a whole food, healthy diet with a good proportion of greens can help you get in the mood. Green foods are loaded with vitamin C, they have more vitamin C in them than oranges, so add more greens to your food chart.

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Dig into Aphrodisiac foods

Are they just folklore or the real deal? The answer is a fusion of both. If you are tired and run down, no amount of chocolate and oysters will put you in the mood, that is unless you turn to the root cause of your slow sex drive or low libido level.

Fundamentally, shortcuts are never ideal and aphrodisiac foods sink into this category. Although chocolate may increase serotonin and dopamine initially, it also leads to a sugar high, followed by a dip and may cause weight gain as well, which will probably not assist you to feel sexier in bed.

The ideal “aphrodisiac” is a whole foods diet that will make you adore yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Other examples of aphrodisiac foods are avocados, bananas, chili peppers, asparagus and almonds, among many others. These, paired with a whole foods diet, could aid getting you in the mood. So, eat it up!

Add some moves and grooves to your routine

Working out will help you in moving and grooving in all ways. Feel toned and sexy in your own way, while enhancing blood flow, cleansing and detoxifying your body and promoting your feel-good hormones, neurotransmitters and endorphins (testosterone, adrenaline, serotonin).

Weight reduction through working out will also help with reduced abnormal fat, enhanced muscle tone, enhanced stamina, circulation and endurance, which all lead to stronger erections, better orgasms and improved performance. Whether it is gym workouts, weight training, running, yoga, group boot camps or becoming a part of a sports team, make working out a priority. What is stopping you from working out more today?

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Know yourself

Consider taking sessions from a spiritual, mental or holistic-health practitioner you are comfortable with. Consulting a health practitioner and discussing all aspects of your mental state and health is remarkably empowering.

You may not be aware of the unconscious issues lounging in the background, such as low self-esteem or negative self-talk. Identify these negative voices and deal with them, then move on to the happier and healthier you who genuinely loves and relishes intimacy. When you let particular things go unsaid and fester (both in your relationship and in your own mind), it can be extremely hard to keep the intimacy alive. Learning personalized stress management techniques and coping  strategies will assist you in taking charge of your mental and emotional well-being.

Value your time

Ensure that you spend some personal time with yourself. Have you heard of date night with your partner? Remember to schedule dates with yourself to have some alone self-care time.

As a parent, you care for your kids and usually their needs overshadow your own. Valuing yourself, spending time with yourself and presenting gifts to yourself on regular self-dates will make you feel independent, accomplished and ready to support your dear ones. Plan to visit a bookstore one afternoon, go for a spa day or picnic in one of your favorite parks surrounded by nature or maybe just have a bubble bath in the evening.

Fire up your creativity

Listen to your natural instincts to fuel your innovative side. What do you want to receive from this plan? What do you want to create? (Both in and out of the bedroom).

Innovation in the bedroom means trying new ideas, new things and different positions which you haven’t done before. I don’t mean bringing more children into the world. Think of what you have always wanted to do.

Speak to your partner about their desires and fantasies and anything that they would like to try. Be creative!

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